Letting go of what happened in the past will help create new opportunities for you. The kind of opportunities that are impossible to notice while entertaining your pain. It does not matter what you have been through. It does not matter how many times you have fallen because there is always a way of bouncing […]
The Self-Love Series Part 5: The Complexity and Psychology of Self-Esteem
Assessing self-esteem can be quite problematic. The issue lies in the fact that self-esteem can fluctuate on a moment to moment basis throughout the day. It is also often related to a role or function. Some people can have millions of dollars while also battling social anxiety or depression. Others are excellent at dating but […]
The Self-Love Series Part1 – Finding the Self
Finding the self is a mystical concept that has been around since ancient times. The ‘self’ has been described by many names, such as the soul, the oversoul, the atman, the monad, the “I AM” presence, the Christos, the illumined one, and so on. Labels aside, it can be described as who you truly are […]
Compassion – A Powerful Doorway to Personal Growth
What if there was one choice you could make that would change everything in your life for the better? Actually, there is. It’s the choice to move out of judgment and into compassion for yourself and others. Compassion is defined as a deep caring for the pain of others, often accompanied by a desire to […]