Are you listening? Because I wasn’t! I have had a tough year and a half or so. I don’t think anyone would dispute that fact. My husband was ill for about a year with surgeries, hospitalizations, and finally a terminal diagnosis ending in his last few months on hospice before his death. Two weeks later […]
Life (God) is not absorbed by It’s Creation
Octogenarian Wisdom Life (God) is not absorbed by It’s Creation Being in my body for 85+ years I have discovered a very important concept which is that “God” is not being absorbed by Its creation. It took me several years to understand this . I’ll do my best to explain what it means. How it […]
Octogenarian Wisdom
My grandkids think I am wise. What I see in my grandkids and my great grandkids is that each generation comes into the world seems brighter and more aware. We all learn by being taught from families, schools, cultures, mores and ethics. We learn to be nice, careful, kind and considerate. We also learn to […]
Charlie’s Principles
From the desk of Charlie Sommer, MMI Emeritus Consultant 1. There is one Power, one Presence, one Life, and One Intelligence that is expressing Itself everywhere. 2. We understand all beings are individualized expressions of this one eternal, universal Spirit called by many names such as God, Source, Allah, Father-Mother, Jehovah, Great White Spirit, Absolute, […]
What is the Absolute from a Meta-Physical, Philosophical Perspective?
What is the Absolute from a Meta-Physical, Philosophical Perspective? noun PHILOSOPHY noun: absolute ; plural noun: absolutes 1. a value or principle which is regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things. “good and evil are presented as absolutes” ○ something that exists without being dependent on anything else. […]
A FREE Tool That Will Change Your Life!
We are living at an incredible time and anyone that is following the spiritual path knows that the earth is changing, which in effect, propels human beings to evolve/change as well. There is no escaping. Those that are resisting the changes because they are not aware of what is going on, their lives will show […]
Compassion – A Powerful Doorway to Personal Growth
What if there was one choice you could make that would change everything in your life for the better? Actually, there is. It’s the choice to move out of judgment and into compassion for yourself and others. Compassion is defined as a deep caring for the pain of others, often accompanied by a desire to […]