You are the Madonna Interfaith Community!!

As a member of the Madonna Interfaith Community you belong to something very special–a group of eclectic souls guided by the Divine Feminine in all her forms to grow in spirit and to serve.  By coming together at our conferences, online services, and book discussions, you affirm your belief in our community, integrity, fellowship, and service to others.  

2019 DUES PROGRAM:  When you pay the annual $75.00 dues, you support our amazing community, website development, our educational and outreach programs, and the minimal  operating expenses for the community.

Annual dues are payable the first of the year. You may pay your dues through the PayPal Donation Button or the US Mail address listed at the bottom of this page.

Non-payment of dues or loss of contact for two years will result in your removal from our roles and the termination of your sacramental privileges.  In other words, you will not be able to use your Madonna Ministry ordination to perform weddings, baptisms, end of life ceremonies, and others.

The good news is we are offering an amnesty program.  If non-payment for 2018 has put you in two years in arrears, and this is the first time you are in arrears for two years, pay $125.00, by March 17, 2019, and we will reinstate you through 2019.

If you are more than two years in arrears, contact us, and we’ll discuss ways for you to return to the Clergy family.


We are a community of service and there is no greater love than serving others.  Each of us has a spark of the divine to share with others-be it a kind word, a loving presence, a meal, or other donation.  Give of yourself generously.

Madonna Interfaith Community offers a variety of opportunities to donate, over and above the annual dues,  to the Ministry directly and the Ministerial Outreach.  Through the Sommer Family Humanitarian Fund your donation will be combined with other Sommer Fund donations and awarded to recipients chosen by the Sommer Fund Committee.

IMPORTANT OPPORUNITY TO MAXIMIZE YOUR DONATION: Bishop Terrie’s family will be matching donations made to the Sommer Fund by March 31, 2019, up to $1,000.00.  So please donate.

You may also choose to support the General Operating Fund, which currently supports the ongoing Development of our main informational website, our Clergy Directory, and our Membership Forum.

Did you know you can support our beautiful community each time you use purchase on Amazon by choosing ?  Donations from the Amazon Smile Program will go directly to the Sommer Humanitarian Fund, so that we can continue our legacy of giving.


If you wish to submit clergy dues, ordination fees, donations and conference fees using a check or money order,  please make them payable to Madonna Ministry and send to:

Madonna Ministry
c/o Bishop EveLynn Maurine
PO BOX 872
Janesville, Wisconsin 53545

or you may use the following Donation Button to pay the total you wish to remit, based on the following.

PLEASE make sure that you include the name(s) of the person(s) (not just the business name or email address) remitting the Donation and which of the following you are covering.

    1. 2019 Dues $75 per person or 2018/2019 Dues $125 per person – please enter the amount and name(s) of the persons for whom you are paying dues in the message area of the form PayPal form that pops up.
    2. Donation to Sommer Family Humanitarian Fund – the amount you choose
    3. Donation to the Madonna Interfaith Community Operations Fund – the amount you choose.